Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Qilimanjaro is a quantum computer available to everyone.


Привет друзья, давайте подумаем. Помните первые компьютеры? Когда эти чудо-машины могли выполнять только некоторые простые задачи и занимали пол здания. Когда жесткий диск на несколько мегабайт был размером с комнату. Помните, как все началось? Тогда люди не могли себе представить, что у них будут ноутбуки с несколькими терабайтами. Со временем технология улучшается, в принципе, процветают все сферы жизни. Но компьютерная сфера развивается особенно быстро. Конечно, работать на мощном компьютере гораздо приятнее и удобнее, чем на старом, с 2 гигабайтами оперативной памяти. Недавно я сменил компьютер, работал на ноутбуке, которому уже было несколько лет, и вы знаете, что у него есть параметры. Процессор был 4-го поколения, было 4 ГБ ОЗУ. В общем, программы, которые работали на моем ноутбуке, ужасно замедляли его. Когда я купил свой новый настольный компьютер, я был просто в восторге. Я собрал его для себя, поэтому я взял мощные части. Мой старый ноутбук и новый компьютер были день и ночь, как я мог управлять своей работой на ноутбуке. Я думаю, что не имеет смысла говорить, что теперь все программы просто летают. Например, до того, как обработка видео занимала в среднем 30-40 минут, теперь мне требуется 5 минут, чтобы сделать все. Разница ощутима, я не говорю о том, сколько нервов я провел, когда все висело.

Но мне нужен компьютер для повседневных нужд, так сказать. Какие компьютеры используются крупными организациями и исследовательскими центрами? Я думаю, что у них самые мощные компьютеры, потому что они выполняют сложную работу. Но, как я сказал выше, прогресс не остановился, и появились все более мощные компьютеры. Но где взять деньги за них? В конце концов, постоянно обновлять компьютеры очень дорого. Не каждая компания сможет себе это позволить. И если мы говорим о небольших разработчиках, которые готовят отличный, современный продукт, то для его реализации требуется большая вычислительная мощность, которой у них нет. В большинстве лабораторий есть компьютеры, которые нужно изменить, но для этого нет денег. Что делать в этом случае?

Я хочу познакомить вас с Килиманджаро:

Qilimanjaro - это блок-платформа, с помощью которой мы сможем использовать огромные вычислительные мощности. Килиманджаро создают квантовый компьютер. Да, да, теперь создается новое поколение компьютеров, крупнейшие компании, такие как Amazon или Google, работают над своими разработками, но создают их сами, а не для частного использования. Компания Qilimanjaro арендует мощь квантового компьютера. Все это произойдет с помощью маркера qbit. То есть мы покупаем токены, платим за власть через платформу. И мы можем использовать квантовый компьютер через Интернет.

Если мы считаем это бизнесом, я считаю, что это многообещающая ниша, поскольку она пользуется спросом и не занята никому. С ростом спроса на

компании, цена жетона также увеличится. Я думаю, что нет необходимости перечислять, в каких областях можно будет использовать квантовый компьютер. Потому что таких областей очень много, и целевая аудитория этого бизнеса огромна.

Я оставлю ссылки для изучения компании в соответствии с этой статьей, чтобы вы могли самостоятельно изучать техническую документацию, дорожную карту, изучать команду, работающую над проектом, и, конечно же, читать детали ICO.

Ps: Помните, что я даю вам только информацию и разум для размышлений. Я ничего не призываю. Инвестиции всегда связаны с рисками, но кто посмеет побеждать.


✅Веб-сайт: https://qilimanjaro.io
✅Телеграмма группы: https://t.me/qilimanjaro


Selasa, 29 Mei 2018


The motto of Crypto is one of the most active transactions with the aim of being a cryptographic organization with the highest number of users across the monde.En, because of its low volatility and its high anonymity, the authorities discover that people think more about crypto change , That's why PAYERA came up with the idea of using crypto-change without fear.

After creating the original concept - after a short presentation - we provided interested partners and consultants so that we systematically built up our team.


RECEIVER protects against criminals by providing comprehensive consumer protection for all transactions made through PAYERA. This protection covers all traditional goods and services. You also have the opportunity to conduct integrated portfolio transactions for free.

SELLERS get the perfect solution to settle into the crypto scene and increase sales. We offer full protection against VAT on the bond market. PAYERA has lower fees and a shorter length of stay than other systems. Sellers also have the option of making internal portfolio transactions for free.

You can change or sell the cryptocurrency as often as you like, and we do not charge exchange rates.

There is no charge for the faithful
Buyers are completely exempt from payment.

Low salary for the seller
The seller pays a very low price, which can be further reduced by positive suggestions

Multifunctional concept

A provider that allows you to manage all of your online transactions

-The processes are free

You can send money to your friends and acquaintances.

-Security at a high level

In all our services, we apply the latest blockchain technology, which uses the highest encryption level

ICO is a method of financing a business. The so-called "First Currency Offers" can partly be compared with the first issue of commercial documents. ICO can buy tokens for projects in the Blockchain ecosystem through bulk funding. Supporters and investors buy the Scion symbol and can trade for token lists acquired on different platforms.

Between 30.05.18 and 15.06.18 PRE-ICO

ICO will take place between 20.06.18 - 18.07.18.

During ICO Crowdsale there is a 25% bonus. You will receive a bonus 14 days after the end of the ICO. Follow the ICO website or your social media channels for the latest information.

What are the main goals in the first three years?

At least 6 million special users

less than 100,000 accounts of companies registered abroad

Establishment of an international youth team in sales and marketing in the departments

Progress and research in blockchain technology

to build a foundation team

, we will use safe and unbreakable system blockchain technology to establish a honest structure in terms of marketing, sales and procedures. If we save all data about this number, we will see it immediately. Tracing the track surrounding the term does not exclude users who trust this process to automatically ask what has happened to the stored one.

not the performance of Crypto has caught my attention, but also teknolojisidir.bankacılık block chaining system behind the scenes, a very near future, many inefficient tools in the investment and financial industry, will be replaced by a contract smart.

A new generation of investors, transparency, efficiency and innovation, as well as freedom, advanced technology platforms are also the reason for the expectations of Karşılayabiliyor.b, our central philosophy platform, each token has votes that prove communication within the administration, which means that you can be rewarded, participate in the referendum and the effects.

Payerne, free financial institutions and the creation of new exchange crypto currencies that avoid unnecessary costs came as a tool for the forecasting tool. The Payera platform can disrupt most of these vehicles and represent a similar obligation for the central banks. who treats a big headache that involves no commitment.

Although Payera as a whole is the best and best-known online business in the Asian region, it requires much less management.

PARE is an ERC20 token based on Ethereum Blockchain, PARE is a token of the Payera platform.

Team - Team

Payera allows lower transaction fees to customers around the world. Merchants have nothing to do in their pockets, so they also have the option of making wallets. Traders are the ideal answers and legitimate opportunities that emerge in the crypto scene.





BIDIUM - Сила аукционов по объединению с наймом Внештатная технология Blockchain

Приветствую всю общину, я увлечен криптовыми монетами и последователем хороших проектов. В этой новой публикации я хотел бы представить вам проект Bidium. Я уверен, что вы много слышали о Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... но бидюин Bidium является самым крутым, и для более подробной информации мы займемся следующими темами:

Если мы наблюдаем, как развилось общество, из племенных обществ мы перешли в другую социальную структуру в современном мире, где люди работают специализированным образом и могут сделать это в глобальной среде из любой точки мира из-за появления технологий и Интернет.


BIDIUM - это децентрализованный обмен криптовалютами, который сочетает в себе силу Advance Auction с Freelance Hiring на основе технологии Blockchain. Он выступает в качестве торгующего рынка для покупателей, покупающих на торгах, и внештатную платформу для работодателей, которые хотят нанять фрилансеров. Сделку можно осуществить с помощью более 10 монет. Обмен принимает BIDM (собственный токен Bidium), биткойн, Ethereum, Litecoin и другие монеты, которые будут анонсированы на более позднем этапе.

Платформа предлагает покупателям и продавцам возможность сэкономить время, так как существует ограниченный период времени в 24 часа для участия в торгах для любого продукта. Это предоставит продавцам гарантию только получения авторизированных покупателей, что, в свою очередь, не позволит их продуктам блокироваться злоумышленниками. В дополнение к этому внештатная платформа предоставит как фрилансерам, так и работодателям возможность использовать нашу родную монету, заплатив только 0,1% сборов, в то время как использование другой монеты привлечет 1% заряда.

Главной выгодой для продавцов является то, что они получат 50% прибыли от рекламы, независимо от того, продаются ли их продукты или нет, и если их продукты будут проданы, даже покупатели также получат 30% прибыли от рекламы, если продукт будет продан. Продавцы имеют возможность продавать различные количества одного и того же продукта на разных слотах.

Платформа предлагает адекватное решение для обмена, а также эффективную внешнюю платформу, поддерживаемую интерактивным интерфейсом, чтобы сделать ее восхитительным для пользователей. Платформа облегчает легкую и быструю торговую технику с 50% выручкой от торговли. Доход будет распределен между всеми держателями токенов BIDM, то есть обычно хранится на кошельке BIDIUM. Плата за транзакцию для передачи токенов BIDM между пользователями платформы BIDIUM не взимается. В дополнение к этому на биржевую платформу будет взиматься только 0,05% торгового взноса, и она будет дополнительно уменьшена до 0,01% от стоимости торгов для держателей токенов BIDM. Будет создан автономный кошелек для безопасного хранения BIDM. Маркер BIDM также будет использоваться для участия в торгах на продуктах на рынке BIDIUM.

Freelancing - еще одна важная функция, предлагаемая платформой. Фрилансеры и работодатели смогут использовать токен BIDM с транзакционной комиссией ǮNO fee для платформы торгов, платформы фриланса и торговой платформы. Отзывы и рейтинги для каждого работодателя и фрилансера помогут в сохранении истории. Таким образом, наша структура рынка состоит из сетей различных технических устройств, которые предоставят инвесторам возможность воспользоваться рынком без централизованного расположения. На нашем децентрализованном рынке торгов мы предоставим покупателям доступ к различным ставкам и предоставим им возможность напрямую осуществлять сделки с продавцами, а не с централизованным управлением.

Подробная информация о версии Alpha, Beta и главной версии Bidium


Защищенный кошелек
Торговля и обмен
Crypto to Crypto Trading
Биткойн и рынок Эфириума
Английский язык


Включить функции альфа-версии
Предварительный интерфейс и дизайн Exchange
Crypto-Fiat-Crypto P2P Trading
Биткойн, Эфириум и Бидиум
Система фиксированного вознаграждения Bidium
Язык - английский, русский, японский, корейский, вьетнамский, арабский, испанский


Включить функции альфа-версии и бета-версии
Более обеспеченный кошелек с интеграцией кошелька оборудования
Добавление децентрализованной биржи
Android и Iphone Мобильные приложения с защищенным кошельком и функциями торговли
Язык - английский, русский, японский, корейский, вьетнамский, арабский, испанский


Легко различимы и понятны, очень безопасны с максимальными преимуществами для держателей маркеров!

Название токена: Bidium
Тикер: BIDM
ICO SoftCap: 3 миллиона долларов США
ICO Hardcap: 10 миллионов долларов США
Неиспользованный токен будет уничтожен
ICO Дата начала: 25 мая 12:00 IST
Дата окончания ICO: 23 июня 12:00 IST
Token Price (Crowdsale): 0,02 USD
Принимаемые валюты: BTC и ETH
Минимальный лимит покупки: 50 USD
Максимальный предел покупок: 10000 долларов США


Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде и купите Bidium TOKENS и получите преимущества, предлагаемые самой выгодной платформой на рынке. Не тратьте больше времени и присоединяйтесь к нашей группе Telegram, чтобы вы могли общаться с нами и разъяснять любые вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у вас. Не пропустите эту прекрасную возможность, предлагаемую проектом Bidium.

Воспользуйтесь преимуществами доступных бонусов с ранних этапов предпродажи. (ICO). Посетите наш веб-сайт, чтобы узнать больше о преимуществах этого замечательного проекта.





Senin, 28 Mei 2018



Official site

Involve is considered the main cryptographic platform for a mobile application, which cooperates with each market user. The Involve project uses the current directions. The following areas stand out: the growth of the mobile market, robotization, crypto-economy. ICoin is a crypto currency, which is obtained at the expense of players by the ratio of the protocol. The number of users is limited.
The main task of Involve project is to provide people with job opportunities, which provides a wide range of mobile applications. For every second that is in the application, will be given a reward. The payment will be made using a crypto currency, which corresponds to the protocol for this blockage. A simple and safe solution is offered, which everyone can use: to contribute and earn according to the ratio to their efforts. The user has a choice whether he will partially earn, thus, or will cooperate on an unchanged basis. The platform of the mobile application Involve is downloaded absolutely free of charge, from which unlimited access to all kinds of applications is provided. However, developers have the right to establish pricing models.
Also, developers have access to crowdfinding. Subsequently, the communities themselves will be able to decide which project to include in the list of authorized applications for fundraising. As a result, developers will reduce the cost of marketing.
The main idea of ​​this project is to create an ecosystem. All developers will add it to their applications, which will allow all users to become participants in a single project. Each player, after registration of the profile, will have access to all applications that he wants to use for free. For every minute of using the application, there will be a reward in the form of ICoin, which is stored in the cryptotool.


This platform will be useful for all categories of users. Here are some of them:

Players. The main objective of the project is to provide employment for people, with the help of a wide range of mobile applications, for the use of which the reward is guaranteed.
Advertisers. Using the Involve application, each advertiser can put up an advertisement without using a third party. All intermediaries are eliminated, which will strengthen and develop mobile advertising. In addition, new opportunities will be provided and restrictions will be removed for small advertisers.
Developers. Indie developers will be able to survive and prosper. Since it is now widespread to suppress the small market large, this application will stop this situation. Also, developers do not pay for marketing to promote their applications and games. You can easily remain an independent and public person. Still this platform can please with low commissions. No marketing processes are needed. The developers will have a sense of freedom, an opportunity to realize themselves. In addition, using the Involve platform can increase revenue, and reduce waste.
Holders of tokens. This platform guarantees long-term prospects and ensuring financial stability for every player. It is for this reason that everyone will receive their reward at the expense of the application. This platform will ensure the distribution of profits to each owner of the tokens every three months from the start of the platform launch. The amount of compensation depends on how many tokens are in possession.


Additional information about the project :


DEEP AERO AI Driven Economy от Blockchain - купите дроны с децентрализованного рынка Drone в мире


Подобно технологиям Интернета и GPS, дроны превратились за пределы своего военного Подобно наследия в мощные инструменты ведения бизнеса. Использование беспилотных летательных аппаратов (беспилотных летательных аппаратов) увеличивается экспоненциально. Помимо рекреационных мероприятий, дроны меняют то, как компании и правительства выполняют свои миссии

Die Wichtigkeit, Drohnen zu finden, um mit bemannten Flugzeugen sicher zu koexistieren, wird immer dringender. DEEP AERO erstellt einen harmonisierten Rahmen für Flugverkehrsmanagement (ATM) und Drone / UAS Traffic Management (UTM). Wir bauen eine autonome, selbstverwaltete, intelligente Drone / Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Verkehrsmanagement (UTM) Plattform, die sichere Flüge von bemannten und unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen im gemeinsamen Luftraum gewährleisten kann.

Дроны меняют все: от сельского хозяйства и управления чрезвычайными ситуациями до национальной безопасности и доставки товаров и услуг. Будучи узлом в формирующейся инфраструктуре Интернета вещей, дроны приобретают совершенно новое измерение. В качестве замены стационарных датчиков дроны повышают способность пользователя собирать информацию. Общество вначале понимает, как дроны вмешиваются в технологическую инфраструктуру завтрашнего дня и как продвигать границы возможного.

В настоящее время беспилотные летательные аппараты представляют собой очень эффективную платформу сбора данных, которая может выполнять задачи в часах, которые в противном случае занимали бы дни или недели. Вы можете предоставить очень подробные визуальные данные за небольшую часть стоимости получения одних и тех же данных другими способами. Дроны имеют решающее значение для безопасности на производстве и часто используются для борьбы с ненадежными процессами, такими как: В качестве инспекции башни проводятся инспекции ветряных турбин, гуманитарные принадлежности, помощь в случае стихийных бедствий и т. Д.Дроны меняют все: от сельского хозяйства и управления чрезвычайными ситуациями до национальной безопасности и доставки товаров и услуг. Будучи узлом в формирующейся инфраструктуре Интернета вещей, дроны приобретают совершенно новое измерение. В качестве замены стационарных датчиков дроны повышают способность пользователя собирать информацию. Общество вначале понимает, как дроны вмешиваются в технологическую инфраструктуру завтрашнего дня и как продвигать границы возможного.

В настоящее время беспилотные летательные аппараты представляют собой очень эффективную платформу сбора данных, которая может выполнять задачи в часах, которые в противном случае занимали бы дни или недели. Вы можете предоставить очень подробные визуальные данные за небольшую часть стоимости получения одних и тех же данных другими способами. Дроны имеют решающее значение для безопасности на производстве и часто используются для борьбы с ненадежными процессами, такими как: В качестве инспекции башни проводятся инспекции ветряных турбин, гуманитарные принадлежности, помощь в случае стихийных бедствий и т. Д.

Предлагаемое решение

DEEP AERO работает над созданием новой волны технологий в городском движении с использованием беспилотных летательных аппаратов. Платформа предлагает поставки товаров и авиационных товаров по требованию. Искусственный интеллект, дроны и технология Blockchain являются основой этой платформы. Их услуги соответствуют местным законам и правилам.

Продукты, предлагаемые платформой, включают в себя DEEP AERO UTM, DEEP AERO пассажирские и грузовые беспилотные летательные аппараты и беспилотный рынок DEEP AERO. Эти продукты должны увеличить использование гула в повседневной жизни и завоевать растущий рынок. Рынок, предлагаемый платформой, децентрализован и предлагает все виды услуг, связанных с беспилотными летательными аппаратами. DEEP AERO UTM питается от вертикальных стартеров (VTOL). Будущее для дронов ярче, и с запуском платформы мы увидим много новых приложений в разных областях.


Персонажи DRONE
Цена 1 DRONE = 0,00005 ETH
Доступен бонус
Доступен Bounty
Простой эфир
Принять ETH
Минимальные инвестиции 0.1 ETH
Мягкая крышка 10 000 ETH
Жесткая крышка 135 000 ETH
Страна Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Белый список / Белый список KYC
Ограниченные районы США

5 000 000 000 токенов DRONE будут созданы для проекта, где 50% зарезервировано для ICO. Предварительная продажа токена в настоящее время находится на платформе до 15 апреля 2018 года. Полная продажа токенов начнется 1 мая 2018 года и продлится до 1 июня 2018 года. Будет третий этап ICO от 1 июня 2018 года. 50% средств будут использованы для исследований и разработок проекта. Команда имеет опыт в области авиационной и блок-технологии.


У людей разные потребности в путешествиях каждый день, а владение автомобилем - лишь одно из многих решений. И поддержание вашего частного автомобиля - сложная задача. Люди во всем мире предпочитают независимость путешествий, не беспокоясь о времени и месте.

Мы видим быстрое техническое развитие нашей транспортной системы. От метро до электромобилей и частных автомобилей до автономных автомобилей все быстро развивается с помощью технологий. Создание рынка для беспилотных летательных аппаратов - одна из основных особенностей этой платформы. Что вы думаете о других функциях этой платформы?

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:

Веб-сайт: https://www.deepaero.com/
Техническая документация: https://www.deepaero.com/docs/DEEP-AerO-White-paper.pdf
Телеграмма: https://t.me/deepaerodrones




This material is posted for your reference.

Hello everyone, dear friends!

Today we will talk about the DEEP AERO DRONES project

What is that?

The company is building an autonomous economy from unmanned aerial vehicles, backed by AI & Blockchain. Developers will completely change the city's transportation system, making the delivery of flights and cargo very simple and convenient.

Products |


Decentralized, intelligent, self-sufficient, and independent traffic management platform

IN AERO Drone passenger and cargo

Vertical take-off aircraft (VTOL) carrying people and goods operating in DEEP AERO UTM

DEEP AERO Drone Market Place

A decentralized market for products and services related to Drones

Corporate profits


The flight plan complies with all AI regulatory requirements based on airspace intelligence rules for aerial space for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.


Active or planned flights can adapt to changing airspace conditions, including wind, visibility and temperature, for optimal performance.

With safe

Maximum situational awareness in real time with nearby traffic notifications based on direct flight and telemetry plans.

When to use Drones
Delivery parcels
Air transport
Photography and filmmaking
Accurate delivery of pesticides
Help Forest firefighters
monitoring traffic

underground waste control, power supply, operation, maintenance and security
ordered building maintenance and security
Safety and Monitoring
Pipe safety inspection. management and maintenance
Crowd control / management
Livestock / area

management Treatment and examination
cable maintenance and wind turbine verification Team
protection of wildlife

The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which I think is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest time possible and I hope they succeed.

The team includes large specialists from various industries with years of experience. With the main participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts on social networks.


Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail.


Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail.
Additional information

KACHINGCOINS - Deposit and Whitdrawal Methods Faster and Easier

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings,
bismillah, As you can see, cryptocurrency is a digital currency created and managed through the use of advanced encryption techniques known as cryptography.

After a large Crypto-Boom in 2017, the number of ICO and Token Sales has soared exponentially. According to icotracker.net, there are thousands of ICOs and Tokens out there. Knowing which ICO or Token will be invested has the potential to become a big headache for many investors who do not know anything. Understanding which ICO has the potential to grow into a sustainable company and which ICO is worth investing is crucial to the return on investor investment (ROI).

We are building the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Coins to be Used (Kachingcoins). Our goal is to create the most money available on Blockchain.


Okay go straight, About Kaching
Financial freedom is a constant thing when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money because it makes a desperate and emotional choice with their hard earned savings to get ahead in life. They are also greatly deprived of the ambiguities and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, information sections are ineffective and third party manipulations are endemic. KachingCoin is developed with one goal in mind, to create a decentralized and transparent global network for people, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoin, The Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.

KACHET Coins (KAC) will be the sole mechanism for transferring values ​​in the life-respiratory ecosystem in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem - We create value for investors and KAC users. Kaching Coins is really the easiest token to use. With ready-made products ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the most complete investment ecosystem in the world, supported by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the outcomes of the development of a blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and good ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more worried about the world's most suffering economic weaknesses in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be a moment when most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will do business.

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Solutions For Market Needs
1. Transparency, Accountability, Security, Speed, and Trust.
So how does Blockchain respond to the needs of Trasparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust? To answer this question, let's look at the following diagram first:

2. Method of Deposit and Whitdrawal Faster and Easier.
Especially in developing countries, there is an inherent need for easy storage and withdrawal services. Using Token Kaching, Powered by Blockchain, and a combination of local deposits and other smart payment systems, deposits and withdrawals have never been easier. Safe, secure, traceable and fully transparent.

3. Client.
Kaching has identified three keys of Customer Client Type; Brokers, Investors, and Investment Managers (Traders) Understanding the needs of the Client Archetypes, we have skillfully tailored our services to address these important issues.

Brokers will be accepted to create their company profile on the Kaching Social Trading Platform. Here they will be able to reach the abigger market and communicate it easily to prospective traders even IB.

Any user of any Social Media Platform can advise you that the User Interface and Usage of the software are essential to the User Experience and the Function of Paltform. The ability to easily search (Info and Fund), Allocat (Info and Capital), and Share (Info and Experience) are some of the most important priorities when thinking of "Investor Experience".

Kaching Ecosystem
The Kaching ecosystem will be the most complete investment ecosystem supported by Blockchain, which provides exceptional value to each and every other participant. The Kaching Coin (KAC) will be central, and a source of ecosystem strength. Each individual section will also contribute to the appreciation of KAC values

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Why Kaching Is Different and Better
Forbes.com, Mega.online, and Quara.com are just a drop of water on an online website with articles claiming that cryptocurrency is faster, safer, and more convincing than other competitors out there. Supported by blockchain, this claims kaching is indirectly proven as we evolve into the most complete ecosystem of commerce and investment in the world.
Kaching will sport various trading products. With 160 trading instruments in 7 categories; Forex, Stocks, Indexes, Metals, Energy, Cryptocurrency, and Agriculture, Kaching will be one of the most diverse trading platforms in the world. Combine with other services we provide; Brokers, Exchange, Payment Systems, Banking and Wallet Solutions, Venture Funds and Capital, Social Trades and R & D, Kaching will truly be the Silk Road of Financial Tragedy in the 21st Century.

Kaching Coins-Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Supported by Blockchain

Why KachingCoins?

Financial freedom is a constant thing when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money because it makes a desperate and emotional choice with their hard earned savings to get ahead in life. They are also greatly deprived of the ambiguities and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, information sections are ineffective and third party manipulations are endemic. KachingCoins is developed with one goal, to create a decentralized and transparent global network for people, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoins, The Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.

"The main reason why Kaching is intrinsically different from most ICOs out there is the fact that our ecosystem is built to value tokens We already have products and we have a client base that will use tokens across the Ecosystem It's grown! avoided! "- Stephan Roos

Millions of dollars have been invested in ecosystem platforms.

World Community

More than 100,000,000 investors worldwide.

Big Market Cap

Market size of 20 trillion of investment instruments.

Project Schedule

2015 - 2017: Foundation Project

Idea creation, team building, Kint Global Fintech Ltd. established in London, England. Company number 11095157

February 2018: Private Sales Token

Private token distribution round for initial users with a bonus of 66% in just 2 weeks

Mar 2018: Private Sales Token

The first and second rounds are open for token releases. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 33%.

Apr 2018: Pre ICO

4 main rounds release tokens for public. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 25%

May 2018: ICO

Kaching Coin (KAC) began to be listed on the internal and global exchanges, facilitating trade.

Sep 2018: Grand Lauching

Social Trade Platform, the first key element in an ecosystem where investors, traders, IB share profits with each other

Q1, 2019: Massive Funds and Users

Bringing world-class funds dramatically increases the profitability of investors and the total value of ecosystems

Later: The Most Complete Ecosystem

Develop Acedemy, RnD Lab, All ecosystems and start sharing dividends to the token holder.

This company has commercial value, which is very special in every exchange. Giving convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified by encryption companies in the world, but provides clear and detailed details and at the same time is a road map that determines whether companies pay attention to future investors or not. potency. If you are looking for a market as a place to negotiate currencies, this is the solution you can take as one of the main options for cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It is equipped with the latest technology blockchain Kaching platform. It is one of the commercial currency markets and cryptographic exchanges through a market democracy system that has great advantages for shareholder profits. Not just this.

Kaching is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that show the market and change the function of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its analog platform to support the process of negotiating certain exceptional types of assets. In addition, the platform also uses its own crypto currency, known as Token trading. Developers hope to create large liquidity targets that support Token operations to help token owners. The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in converting many financial assets with blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this negotiation site, I am convinced that thanks to the founder's creative experience and ideas, you can continue to invest and start an exchange or exchange, which of course,

The Future of the Kaching Platform as a First-Generation Platform The Platform The Platform as a First-Generation Platform to receive automatic notifications on their mobile device. world, without leaving the role. The goal is to create ecosystems that conceptualize mutual benefits between merchants and users, as well as platforms that can permanently contribute to revenue stability. To solve the problems faced by most investors, Kaching takes a decision, offering smart solutions with platforms that help productivity and easy access to your account.

Budget allocation
Most of the current Trading Platform will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your allocation of funds when it comes to investing in various trading instruments. With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital into different investment streams so as to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in a proverbial egg basket. The diversity and adjustment of investments is part of what Kaching wants to offer to the market.

Sales Token (KAC)
Every change in this company has a very special commercial value. Facilitating potential investors is one of the things that CryptoCurrency companies should classify in the world, but providing clear and detailed details and at the same time a roadmap that determines whether companies truly value future investors. potency. If you are looking for a place to negotiate a market in the currency market, this is a solution you can take as one of the main options of cryptographic trading market based on chain block platform. It comes with the latest blockchain technology platform KACHING COINS Market is one of the great benefits for shareholder profits and is one of crypto exchange through the market democracy system. Not just that KACHING COINS Here, as a place to trade with cryptography, there are better explanatory advantages than other markets.

KACHING COINS is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that demonstrate the market and transform the operation of the financial ecosystem. The system uses partners on the platform to support the negotiation process of some exceptional asset types. In addition, the platform uses its own crypto currency, also known as Token trading. Developers hope to create large liquidity targets that drive Token transactions to benefit coin holders. The goal of this platform is to become a leader in transforming various financial assets into blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this negotiation site, with experience of builders and creative ideas, you can definitely start to create and invest in stocks or exchanges that will personally provide you with great revenue and benefits.

Future Platform Kaching COINS is a first-generation platform that provides timely and inaccessible solutions to investors issues, enabling changes to any time, or cryptographic prices to be quality and low, making this platform sought by potential users. They are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile device. without leaving at least the world's activities. The goal is to create ecosystems that conceptualize mutually beneficial relationships between merchants and users, as well as platforms that can consistently help in revenue stabilization. Troubleshooting commonly encountered by most investors, KACHING COINS accounts appear to solve this problem when offering smart solutions with platforms that help performance and easy access.

Tokenization and Bous Program
Token Standart - Ethereum ERC 20 Token

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Token Name - Kaching Coin (KACDesimal - 18 **

Number of tokens - 247 million

Kaching coin (KAC) functions as a mechanism for transferring values in the Kaching Ecosystem. 50% of total tokens will be released in Pre-ICO and ICO Phase.

Total Allocation

Fund Distribution

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Stephan Roos
Director of Investor Relations

Simon Mark
Social Trade Expert / Co-Founder

Derek Sandheinrich
Fintech Expert / Co-founder

Tahsin Haykal
Fintech Expert / Co-founder

Kevin Millien
Expert / Broker Advisor

Tung Phan
HR Specialist / Advisor

James Thai
Expert / Technology Advisor




Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018


URUNIT the only gambling platform 100% managed by its community! Players control the house, host all the games and receive most of the profit.It is time to change the game rules in the Gambling Universe. To break the established traditions we just need to give the control of the casino, to the players themselves. Meaning, absolutely all games, tables, poker rooms, slot machines, lotteries and so on are controlled by the gamers, they host games themselves and receive most of the profit.This is also the only gambling platform with constantly decreasing amount of tokens.URUN tokens issued during the ICO are the only tokens which will be issued by U Run It. No URUN tokens will be issued after ICO.0.5% of every transactions on the platform made in URUN tokens is "burnt". Consider URUN tokens as "fuel" for the platform transactions processing. This "burning process" is regulated by smart contracts on the blockchain.It means the number of URUN tokens available will constantly decrease.

Gambling Market
Gambling market has been growing year after year. In early 2017 gambling market was
worth $360 billion with $44.16 billion in online games. By the end of 2017, the online gambling
market increased to $47.4 billion. According to H2 Gambling Capital, market share of
online games will continue to grow taking over most of the offline market. By 2022 online
gambling market will grow up to an impressive amount of $81.7 billion.

Gambling market problems
Time goes by, technologies change, but the main principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to the casino and spend their money hoping for a quick win.The problem is that the vast majority of players lose and don’t have even a slightest chance to affect the work of the casino in any way. Consequently, the game rules, as well as the
rules of conduct for the players are determined entirely by the casino that strips the players to the thread, and gets its super-profits from them. The players are only cash cows. Signs on the venues, bonus programs and technologies may change, but any casino still operates by the same principal. As a result, gambling market (including online) is filled with
almost identical casinos that gives the gamers absolutely no choice as all of the casinos look pretty much the same.
Thus, the key issues of the market are:
• based on our surveys, casino customers are very venturous people who are constantly looking for action and novelty; they get bored quickly, and are forced to move from one casino to another constantly looking for something different
• it is very difficult for the casinos to attract new players, and they are forced to spend significant part of the profits on advertising, bonuses, affiliate programs and other gimmicks to attract customers
• no matter how much money casino spends to keep customers for as long as
possible, it doesn’t work - customers simply won’t stay for long.
Gambling market has obviously reached the dead end. Of course, casinos try to spend more money, use new technologies (such as blockchain) and come up with new gimmicks to attract and retain new customers, but they are not very successful at it.
The only way out of this situation is to change the basic principles of the casino operation.
How is it possible? It’s very simple. The solution is an entirely new type of casino, the casino managed by the players, who host all the games. In other words, absolutely all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. in this casino are controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a certain player. This player determines parameters of the game or tournament he is hosting and becomes the owner of the game for the time being. Let’s say, each game is leased to one of the players for a nominal fee. It can be leased for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. During this lease, the owner of the game not only monitors what is going on, but also performs basic functions of a moderator. At the end of this period, the owner of the game receives most of the profit generated
during his lease. A small share of revenue will go to the casino to cover the expenses for the maintenance of the platform, its further development, as well as allow a little profit for the owners.

For more information visit the links below:



URUNIT - New Age of Gambling Industry


The New Era in the Gambling Industry
The only 100% gambling platform is managed by the community.
Players control the home, host all the games and receive most of the profits.

How it works?

Players control everything
Absolutelly all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. In the casino is controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a particular player.

Game rental
This player specifies the game or host tournaments he hosts and becomes the owner of the game for now. For example, each game is leased to one of the players at a nominal cost.

Daily image
The easiest way to give each user a chance to become a game owner is to draw a draw. Images are automatically held. Winners must pay a small fee in the URUN token to confirm their right to own the game.

Monitoring & Moderation
During this lease, the game owner not only monitors what is happening, but also performs the basic function of a moderator.

At the end of this period, the game owner receives most of the profit generated during the lease term.

Player ratings
The more users play and the bigger the stakes, the higher the ranking.And the higher a player ranks, the more chances he gets to become the owner of the game.

Why buy URUN tokens?

1. Limited offer
URUN Smart Contract through a decentralized blockchain protocol ensures that only a certain number of URUN tokens will be issued during ICO. There will be no token issues after ICO.

2. Jackpot Image
Each token holder can participate in our daily, weekly, and monthly jackpot images. 70% of all tokens collected by the platform will be used for jackpot images.

3. Compliance with the rules
We have received professional advice from the best lawyers specializing in financial regulation of cryptocurrency. The URUN Token is clearly a utility token, not security.This means a quick list on the exchange after ICO.

4. Constant demand for tokens
URUN Token is required to use U Run It platform, but the number of circulating tokens will continue to decline. The URUN Token is used as a "fuel" for all transactions in the platform, and with each transaction a small number of tokens are "burned" (they are removed from the circulation). However, in the same time the number of casino operators who use our platform as well as the total number of players using URUN tokens will grow exponentially.Therefore, URUN token requests will continue to increase.

5. Technical excellence
Not only the programmers who developed our smart URUN contract, have more than 3 years experience in blockchain solutions, but also the high quality and safety of this smart contract has been confirmed by technical audit conducted by the best specialist in blockchain security.

Why U Run It will actually be a Big Thing?

Years of Experience
We have a strong team with all the skills, expertise, and experience needed to launch the project and market it successfully. U Run This is the climax of our collective effort that incorporates the most efficient technology developed by our highly professional team.

No one has seen this before
This is yet another casino. This is a platform with a new business concept in his heart. Casinos and gambling platforms (including those in the development stage) are not even close to what we offer.

The flowers are amazing
We are experiencing tremendous interest in our platform. Both gamblers and investors are amazed by the brilliance of the idea. We are repeatedly told that this is the future of the gambling industry.

All in one solution
This is an all-in-one solution that covers every possible subsystem needed on the board. No holes or areas are not closed. In fact, other casino providers will become U Run It customers purchasing our software to fill the void in their offerings.

The number of users increases
In the next stage we will integrate additional modules (which can not be disclosed now as this is commercial secret) into the platform. This module is sure to blow up the market, and we expect a drastic growth in the number of our users.

Benefits Benefits

Sales Token
URUN token sales will take place in three stages:

pre-sale closed (May 15 - June 15)
pre-ICO (15 July - 15 August

ICO (September 15 - October 15) 

Minimum transaction amount:
2 ETH - first 15 days before closer sale
1 ETH - remaining pre-close sales
0.3 ETH - pre-ICO
0.01 ETH - ICO

Token: URUN
Token exchange rate: 1 URUN = 0,00125 ETH (1 ETH = 800 URUN)
Total number of tokens available: 80,000,000
Total tokens for sale: 60,000,000
Minimum goal (Soft Cap): 9,000,000 Tokens
Maximum target (Hard Cap): 60.000.000 Token
Currency received: ETH automatically (BTC, LTC, XRP, DASH - manually)

50% - first 15 days before Sale 
40% - time remaining
20% - to-ICO
10% - first 10 days of ICO 
5% - 10 days later ICO 
0% - time remaining

Token Distribution

Use of Funds

You may store a URUN token in any Ethereal purse that supports the ERC20 token. DO NOT send ETH directly from a multi-sig wallet exchange, or from other smart contracts, in which case you will not be able to access your URUN token.

The following purses are known to be compatible with Ethereum tokens (ERC20 standard):

MyEtherWallet (no download required)
MetaMask (Firefox and Chrome browser addon)
Mist (Desktop)
Parity (Desktop)
imToken (iPhone)

For more information:



Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Обзор ICO ViValid

Greetings to all readers of my blog.

Let's talk today about what kind of treasure we have? Or do you think that you do not have any treasure? The treasures that you have found, the values ​​that you collect, and even things that lurk in your garage and basement, such as running shoes with a limited edition or perhaps the marks that your grandmother or mother collected in your childhood. Or maybe your dad liked to collect collections of machines? Yes, all this can be a treasure. But how to know the treasure? Or just memories of our loved ones or just think that this is some sort of garbage that you always forget to throw out. How can you find out the price for these finds? It's probably worth it to climb into the Internet and look there, but it does not guarantee you a reliable result. Maybe it's worth going to a nearby pawnshop store that will obviously tell you a lower price than you deserve. No. There is a simple solution, as you can learn the value of these things. And so today we will talk about the ViValid campaign.

ViValid is a service that can help you evaluate the value of your things and values professionally. ViValid is a service based on blockbuster technology, which is designed to serve as a link between people who are looking for information about the potential value of an item in the hands of experts in relevant fields. ViValid will estimate the value of your items and tell you the full cost, and most importantly the fair value.

To get the estimated value of your subject, you just need to take a picture of your value and send a photo to ViValid for a preliminary assessment and verification of their potential value. For your request, not a large fee is required. In return, you will receive competent and impartial opinions from several experts and collectors for a small portion of the normal cost of such services. Evaluators will randomly, but competently selected from the members of the ViValid community, providing you with a truly independent evaluation of your collectibles. In addition, our - ViValid guarantees that the score you receive is reliable.

Also ViValid opens the possibility for creating the first decentralized, unchanged and therefore trustworthy community-based book of collectibles. Which contains a history of changes in their value and ownership.

The ViValid campaign offers us the opportunity to make money by doing what we love and what we understand. For example, to become one of the checking appraisers. If you are a passionate collector who knows a lot in his field, you can start earning as a first-level checker. For each novice appraiser, 5 levels will be created. If you correctly assess the values ​​of the things presented over time, you will be transferred to the next level. The higher your level, the more you earn and work less.

Proof of Validation Protocol is the proof of verification. POV was developed for two main purposes.

First, it provides the means for distributing verification and evaluation tasks in a decentralized network based on the block system and provides a token stream between system users.

Secondly, the internal algorithm regulates the neutrality and accuracy of the responses of the auditors, creating the basis for trust on which any system of this kind should be built.

The system is based on a combination of statistical data and a stimulating model of different levels of verification. On the one hand, the system automatically analyzes the evaluations of the expert, seeking discrepancies, and on the other hand, she rewards the examiner with the highest success rates, giving the opportunity to update the account to a higher level.

ViValid is a highly developed campaign based on blocking technology, where all transactions are performed in ViV tokens. This eliminates the costs of the difference in rates, expensive banking services, and the need for sharing experiences between countries. Once you sign up, you are given a crypto purse that stores Viv tokens. Your tokens will allow you to maintain the cost of the service at a constant and unchanged level, despite the volatility of prices for tokens. In ViValid integrated micro-exchangers, which automatically removes all the inconveniences associated with crypto currency. If you want your item to be appreciated, just use PayPal or your credit card and we will do the rest. You no longer have to search through the Internet or visit experts. ViValid is a fully transparent service with identification contracts that can be reviewed at any time.

Ticker: ViV
Token: Utility, Token ERC20
Purchase methods accepted: ETH
Maximum number of tokens: 200 000 000 ViV
1 ETH = 1800 ViV
Tokens for public sale: 140 000 000 ViV

Pre-sale Details:

Start date and time Pre-sale: May 14, 2018
End date and time Pre-sale: June 11, 2018
Minimum purchase amount for Pre-sale: 0.1 ETH
1 ETH = 2520 Viv (bonus 40%)

Details Main sale:

Date and time of sale: TBA
Sale end date and time: TBA
Minimum purchase amount for pre-sale: 0.1 ETH
1 ETH = 1800 ViV


1st week: 2070 ViV (15% bonus)
2nd week: 1980 ViV (10% bonus)
3rd week: 1890 Viv (5% bonus)
4th week: 1800 ViV
  Soft Cap: 20,000,000 ViV

I believe that the ViValid team has every chance to capture the market for evaluating things and become one of the leaders in this field. Their team brings together professionals with many years of experience in this field. The ViValid project tries to solve problems that affect many people. Therefore, it uniquely awaits success.

  For more information, please visit:



PayNet Coin Review

  About: Fmcpay.com, founded by Fuinre Inc is the world's most trusted platform for cryptocurrencies trading, advanced collateral joinin...