Rabu, 14 Maret 2018




Biometrids is a project based on the Ethereal blockade.
Platform biometrids are online IDs on blockchain that use machine learning for facial recognition. With face recognition, it is possible to verify the people they say. Biometrids solve one of the biggest problems facing today in the ecosystem of blockchain and life. Biometrids are decentralized IDs that use blockchain to identify people. The use of blockchain assures everyone is anonymous, but still applies to transactions with each other. By using APIs linked to the Biometrids platform, any service can implement our ID protocols into their systems, and force people to use Biometrids IDs to increase the security of knowing their customers transact with genuine people.


With the Biometrids platform, it is possible to achieve the following :
Make sure that the people they say they are.
Dealing with fraudsters and preventing identity fraud.
The opportunity to identify themselves, even in countries where this is not possible at this time.
Give people ownership of their own ID.
Help blockchain services that face identity problems.
Make your payment more secure and reliable.
Remove the intermediate for identification.
With Biometrids, his identity will be anonymous but still reliable. This system will give people who do not have access to an opportunity ID to identify them. There are many countries where this is a big problem. The Biometrids platform will solve identity problems and help prevent identity cheating, all of this by using face recognition.

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Our APIs allow others to integrate the system. This will make it easier for people to get into their wallets or identify themselves to others, without having to show their true identity. With our innate voting system, people can report others as scammers. If someone creates a fraudulent account using an ID, their ID will be marked as a scammer, which will let others know not to deal with this person. When this system is established worldwide, more and more companies and people will adopt this system. This means that spammers can be excluded using multiple services of everyday life, due to previous fraud alerts. This will create further incentives to follow the system, because the new ID can not be created because of the uniqueness on each person's face.

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How it works.
Facial recognition works around a person's image. This image can be 2D or 3D. If we use 2D images, the possibility of manipulation will increase significantly due to its uncomplicated complexity and the fact that it is easy to photograph someone else, scan it by phone, then go in there. user account By using 3D images, we will increase the complexity significantly. If you need to have ears, eyes, and chin, from an angle, it will be much more complicated to manipulate. When we also add skin scans, and maybe even iris scan, the complexity and uniqueness will be at a much more satisfactory level and your face scan will be unique.


We will combine facial recognition with keywords, providing a more complete and highly secure system where each face is unique and easily recognizable to the system.

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ICO will run for four weeks (from December 16 to January 13).

Soft cap 4000 ETH.
Loud at 80000 ETH.
A total of 70,000,000 coins will be sold at the following prices:
Week 1: 1000 IDS / 1eth.
Week 2: 850 IDS / 1eth.
Week 3: 700 IDS / 1eth.
Week 4: 600 IDS / 1eth.

Token name is IDS.
There will be a total of 100,000,000 IDS.
5% will be sold in pre-ICO.
5% for prizes and advisors.
70% will be sold crowdsale.
10% for the team.
10% for foundation.

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The Token: IDS
Biometrids will work on the Proof of Stake model, with 10,000 IDS helping you turn on the system. For each authentication request on the platform, the system randomly requests 5% of the nodes. Each transaction is worth 0.10 IDS. 90% donated to the staker.


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For more information please visit the link below:


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