Photochain uses blockchain technology to rediscover photostocks around buyers and sellers.
Photochain is a blockchain based platform, which was created to protect the authors of original photographs. A kind of photo drain. On which it will be possible how to sell their author’s works, and get the photo you need. Photochain is completely decentralized and operates on the principle of P2P where the author communicates directly with the buyer, excluding all possible intermediaries. And since everything works on smart etherium contracts, transactions are not only transparent, but also safe. P2P is a very good solution for using it on its platform. Since all mutual settlements will pass directly between users. Users of the platform will seek to increase the quality of their work, because this will directly affect the level of their income. If earlier on the other stock platforms a large commission was charged up to 30%, then the author would receive up to 95% for his work.
The development of the Photochain platform is an ambitious and organically growing process. Our main aims for the project come under three significant prongs:
• P2P Marketplace
It is very important to us that only the artist themselves can determine the value of their work and that they are given the opportunity to offer their work to lots of potential buyers. Our platform provides this opportunity which is realised using synergies from Blockchain technology and machine learning.
• Crypto Economy
The platform Photochain appeals to a broad audience that currently still aren’t adopters of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The relatable use case of “Photochain” will appeal to this audience. The easy-to-use GUI and trading processes facilitate the onboarding process and supports the Crypto Economy to become mainstream.
• Photochain Digital Copyright Chain: DCC
Over the course of the project, more and more artists will be able to strengthen their copyright using the Photochain platform, since their works will be linked to their name. This link is manifested as a transaction in the Ethereum blockchain and is therefore visible to all users at all times. This means that the artist’s ownership of the image can be accounted for. The database with all manifested links has been constructed in a decentralised way, (for further details, see chapter 2 ). We call this database a DCC.
Photochain Platform
The Photochain DApp is a platform on which artists have the opportunity to sell their work to a broad audience at a price they set themselves, and where sellers are also fully and solely liable for the works they sell themselves. The Photochain Team does not have any liability or responsibility for illegal behaviour from the sellers. This means that the artist is responsible for the legality of the works he is selling, and is held fully accountable for any illegal activity. Photochain however, will uphold users copyright protection, by preventing unauthorised sale of photography.
Photochain Network Governance
Photochain Governance is the team that is tasked with accompanying the Photochain DApp on its way to being a fully-formed DAO. Photochain Governance develops new versions of the clients’ as well as Photochain’s Smart Contracts and implements the rules as well as running the initially necessary infrastructure (IPFS Node, Ethereum Node). Furthermore, Photochain Governance offers a team of moderators that will, especially in the initial phase of the DApp, be needed to resolve claims.
For this we determine that Photochain Governance will not take part in any of the following activities when using the DApp Smart Contract:
• Changing the initial rules / Smart Contracts on the network. These changes can only be accepted as a proposal by a majority vote of all users and only then implemented
• Affect the circulating PHT supply. Once the PHOTON tokens are initialized, no additional tokens can be produced in the future. The value of the PHOTON token on the market is subject to the law of supply and demand
• Freeze accounts
• Withdraw funds
Photochain Governance is authorised to undertake the following activities:
• Block a buyer according to an entitled claim
• Develop new versions of the Web client
• Develop new versions of the Photochain Smart Contracts until Photochain becomes a DAO (planned Q4 2019). From that point onwards, future change proposals can be determined by the coordination of all Photochain users.
Blockchain enables secure and verifiable transactions for buyers and sellers alike. You can trust your safe work.
The digital work is encrypted and stored in a decentralized database. There is no primary business that controls the photography you upload.
DApp will be used exclusively for photography trade. We use bots to ensure only acceptable content is listed.
Your work is permanently associated with your identity across the blockchain. This and machine learning plus our active community, protect you from cheating.

Photochain Token — PHOTON
PHOTON token is the means of rewarding used across the Photochain Ecosystem. Any type of transaction on the platform will require the use of PHOTON Tokens.
Use cases for Photon Token are:
Access to the services of Photochain platform
Rewarding the resolving on claims
Listing on “featured photographer“ — section
Service delivery from Photochain’s partners (like our cooperation partner 1World)
Featured in search results
Other microservices, which will facilitate the Photochain Ecosystem in future
Reward system
For the photographers and their services
The number of PHOTON tokens will be strictly limited by the declared Hard Cap. After the Crowdsale, additional 21% of PHOTON Tokens will be reserved for the Team, Advisory board, Photochain partners and legals. After this event, no other PHOTON Tokens will be issued.
The PHT token is based on the following core properties:
• Name: PHOTON Token (PHT)
• Standard: Ethereum ERC20
• Hard Cap: 230,000,000 PHT token to be issued
• Release date: Our Token Generation Event will take place right after the end of the Main Sale Event. It may take up to 60 days to distribute the PHOTON tokens to contributors
• Represented value: tokenization of photography services
Due to the common regulatory situation, It is important to note here that PHT is a pure utility token, which does not replace fiat currency and cannot be treated as a currency or investment asset. In no case PHOTON Token can be regarded as a security token or similar. It is to rather be regarded as a means of exchanging services in the Photochain Ecosystem.
Website: https: //photochain.io/
Whitepaper: https: //goo.gl/NDB3wZ
Instagram: https: //www.instagram.com/photochain.io /
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/photochain.io/
Telegram: https: //t.me/photochain_io
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