Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

ApolloChain Smart Contract-based Intermediate Energy Trading Platform



ApolloChain is building a trading platform by introducing Blockchain 3.0 technology. All economically unregulated and focused on the retail energy markets around the world, the Apollo chain is an existing link to create key users that can be wholesalers, corporate or individual power consumers And through the resources, can be implemented in the country and region Reduce the cost of central bidding and eliminate state level loss. In this case, smart grid with IoT (Internet of Things), Ai (Artificial Intelligence), block chain technology is an important physical basis for achieving all these goals (together with "Energy Internet") .

With smart grid you can manage demand. You can also use the end user's geographic information close to each other and use it in a centralized grid. In addition, smart meters (smart meters) require a wide range of installation to obtain data on users' energy consumption and consumption / production behaviors. Based on these data, smart networks can reduce plan costs by analyzing electricity cost, real-time pricing, power planning etc, and can more efficiently use electricity to consumers.

Other industry EQ®nâ € ® character

Rich people have enjoyed natural experiences from the beginning of the industry, which has a major impact on the economy. Summary of products such as coal Australia was able to provide greater cost. Most of this generation was built by gamers who had been refueled before, mainly living in Australia. Probably not going anything and relationships for transporting goods from the lowest to the destination have not been established. The modern surface has changed. Affordable micro-generation can reach people who can use more multinational costs. Owing to the benefits of electricity for free trade, opportunities exist in Ostestre (Auestre) and other black market.

Summit 35, which occupies the rest of the world, is deregulated in the energy market (or is configured for deregulation). Figure 1.1 provides all 35 types of solutions. It is a partially dark market of dark color and the gray area is full of brands.

Block chains are the largest numbers that can record encrypted transactions chronologically. Bleckkhhawin has started doing so much in the past class. It is useful to provide accurate information and incorrect information and to create many technologies that exist in rare plans. Block chains are sometimes suitable for peer-to-peer in different markets.

Blodecinta identifies the proper identification of each electric trading, reduces credit only, efficiently improves efficiency as well as transactions, and automatically completes automatically through different parts.

North Amelia

In the 1990s, in North America many means could be used to reduce the appropriate amount of electricity. Unnatural errors occur only in a number of ways, especially with strong enlance numbers. As a result of these problems, despite actually obtaining deregulation, he has hesitated not to do so.


The EU (European Union) is appealing to create a larger unified market in developing countries. Today, the EU and other euro are changing towards various energies. In most countries, high-quality customers and customers can choose their own resources and properties from various places, but still remain.

Pacific Régi®n

Auerstraum and New Zealand are the first countries to fully deregulate their products. In this case, all residential and commercial customers can select and supply gas from various places. Australia is often prescribed as one of the most serious, kind and religious religions in the world. This is a way to show clear answers about it.

He is deregulating the new market. No matter what happens, electricity and gas from different companies are the cause. Consumers are expected to intensify competition, large and small by 2020.

One of them, including South Krer and Singrere, also searches for an important part of energy. They are really far from other people, but the first trials took place.

Power Limer

There are generally four major points for various reasons all over the world: monopoly, power booing, overall competition, and innovative competition 2. At the moment, most corporate brands are monopolistic and more You may have to purchase the electricity. We currently do not focus on vitt structure diagram.

I finished my travel plan for Skytecin and this month's meeting. In addition, we will keep posting everyone on time with new employees and users.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/apollochain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apollochain
Medium: https://medium.com/@apollochain
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/apollochain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aplchain_official
Telegram: https://t.me/apollochaingroup
Whitepaper: http://www.apollochain.io/WhitePaper(Business%20Version).pdf
Website: http://www.apollochain.io



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