Greetings to the whole community, I'm in love with cryptographic coins and followers of good projects. In this new publication, I would like to present the STRATEGICTOKEN project for you. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but STRATEGICTOKEN blockchain is the coolest, and for more information go to the following topics:
If we look at how society has evolved, from tribal societies we move to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world, due to the advent of technology. and internet.
StrategicToken (STR) is done for the entire community that supports the task and sees its use soon. This is planned and done to buy products and pay administrations or services on their own platform. The platform will include different divisions in which anyone can use their services. The divisions will be categorized by their services and products. The following is the summary of our managed administrations that other people are currently running at 100%.
The platform will include different divisions in which anyone can use their services. The divisions will be categorized by their services and products. The following is the summary of our managed administrations that other people are currently running at 100%.
Stakeout -> The idea is to give the holders the chance to win STR and ETH. The process must conform to the terms and policies of the platform in question. In the middle of the stakeout procedure, the address you entered should not have an outbound transaction until the scheduled date for the entire staking process is deleted.
Platform Promotional Campaign -> This division will work throughout our lives, since we need unique promoters for the development and growth of our city and our visitors.
Business Ideas -> As we evolve every day, we are committed to expanding our services to serve individual advertisers and that thinking will come from within the community. Any plan or idea chosen will be compensated by the STR or any other equal equal accessible.
Creating the Tokens -> The platform will be enthusiastic and guiding to create your own ERC20 education card or basically for trinkets. .
Shop online-> This division is where you can use your STR to buy any affordable product here and you can claim your nearest region. This will open when we can organize other crypto creators.
Online Services -> Here you can find employees online who will recognize the STR token for the services they have advertised or offered.
We invite you to visit the webpage and contact us through the Telegram group. Do not miss this great opportunity that this great team offers you.
MISSION: Our mission is to create a harmonious community where everyone does not hesitate to ask everything related to the TOKEN STRATEGIC. Join crypto enthusiasts, online and new online shoppers in the world of online cryptography.
VISION: Our vision is to push the STR signal to be used globally in any field, ie commerce, shopping, games, betting, etc.
Token name: strategic guide
Token Ticker: STR
Decimal Token: 18
Total token source: 170000000 STR
Symbolic contract: 643f124c35904cbd6a42d10791d0b0768276d7
Token distribution:



Join our team and buy your TOKENS STRATEGICTOKEN and take advantage of the benefits offered by the most advantageous platform on the market. Do not waste more time and be part of our Telegram group so you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Do not miss this great opportunity offered by the STRATEGICTOKEN project.
Enjoy the bonuses available in the early stages of pre-sale. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE to learn more about the benefits of this great project.
WEBSITE: https://strategictoken.org/
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/strategictoken
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/srategic
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