is a binary level version supported by the blockchain platform. He tried to introduce wallets to merchants and wallets with electronic money and platforms for the BO industry. Traditionally, traders tend to lose money when their broker works to close the shop.
This is a scenario that many traders have to overcome until now. Traders who want to use the Kimex platform can feel calm, knowing that all their money is safe and provided correctly. The good thing about this platform is that Kimex orders cannot be accessed by trader funds, because they will be stored in the ETH chain.
Problems faced by a trader:
The BO industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. For example, the BO broker, who works in Israel, can record a profit of $ 5 billion in 2016. How can this happen? Yes, every time you buy a BO from any broker, that means you actually bet on the bet on the platform. So, the broker will produce what you lose.
This causes problems, because this means that traders are involved in unfair games. Brokers or platforms can easily use traders to manipulate trading prices. Price management means that prices will be traded to support the platform. When this happens, traders will not be able to withdraw money. As a result, this means that traders can win certain agreements, but they are still on the losing side when they lose money.

Kimex is trying to provide solutions for the P2P market. In this decision, traders will be able to place their bets on bankrollers. On the other hand, KMX card holders will receive money as trading fees paid by traders and not from shaving stock, as is the case with other platforms.
One of the advantages of working with this platform is that dealers are guaranteed to pay. All payments must be issued in the form of a smart contract, all payments must be sent to the ETH address, ensuring that no person or company can stop the trader from withdrawing money. .
Second, traders are sure to be fully transparent. Estimated platform will be fair enough. This will be achieved by buying property prices from the blockchain platform, making it impossible to deceive traders into manipulating prices.
Optional ICO:
Acceptable currency: ETH
Minimum transaction amount: 0.01
Total ETH cards available for sale: 150 000 000 KMX
Pre-Sales Start Date: August 15, 2018
Public ICO Starting September 1
ICO Public Works Start: September 5
Website: https://www.kimex.io
Telegram channel: https://t.me/KimexNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kimex_Official
Medium: https: ///yearium.com/@Kimex
Github: https://github.com/Kimex
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