Minggu, 03 Juni 2018


Hasil gambar untuk credito bounty

Many people enter the wild crypto market in the hope of getting rich or learning about Blockchain technology. But crypto is not just about getting rich quickly. The Crypto ecosystem grows with the value of the crypto market cap, and the infrastructure is built on Blockchain technology. Many cool projects are reforming processes and businesses, and even the world as we know it.

One of the coolest crypto projects that are reforming these things is part of the next story. This is called Credito. Credito is building solutions that we've been missing for years. This will come to us in the form of a decentralized platform that will track credit scores, lend markets and transactions. This will represent the network of credit intelligence. The world, as it is today, has big problems tracing creditworthiness, deceit, and more. It all ends until now. Credito will have all the necessary data to conduct credit trading. This will build a market where you can borrow funds, or lend them with interest. This will be the place where creditors and borrowers will meet to arrange an agreement. Because blockchain technology is used, intermediaries will be deducted from the deal. Also transaction costs are much lower with blockchain transactions. Everything will be done on the Ethereum network, a very popular blockchain today. Ethereum provides us with smart contracts and an ERC compatible token that can fuel the eco system. The original sign of the Credito platform will be called Credit. Credito will solve many of the problems we have today, and also show the public the power of blockchain technology. In addition, they will properly fill out the lost crypto infrastructure, making it safer and larger.

Credito is led by Srikar Govindarajula. They have a lot of people on the team like developers, blockchain specialists, lawmen, PR and more. Together they have the knowledge and ability to fight with every challenge that befell them.

They also plan to sell tokens. You will be able to participate in creating the future, having a piece of it. You can participate here: https://credito.io/

ICO is one way to get tokens, but there are others. You can work on a marketing campaign and get your own token. Jobs include social media campaigns, signature campaigns, translations and other work that can help spread the word about the project. You can check the rules here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2483684.0

If you want to know details about this project, your sure bet is to go to the link and read the whitepaper that contains all the information about Credito. You can find it here: https://credito.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf

Bitcointalk also has a thread for general discussion where you can ask all your questions: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2483679.0

Participate and support Credito: https://credito.io/

Join them on social media here:

We wish good luck to the people who work on this project, and also the people who will join the Credito community.

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1925168


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